Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Poverty due to unemployment

Increasing crime rates. With the increasing population, it can't be avoided that crime rates and other related incidents also rise. This is because poverty due to unemployment also increases. As a consequence, a lot of students now belong to drop-outs and out of school youths as their parents can no longer send them to school. They rather prioritize their every day needs over school expenses and allowances. Like a domino effect, this scenario brings about a series of end result such as chaos, theft and robbery incidents, drug-related cases, and the likes usually involving teenagers. As parents, we fear for the safety of our children especially now that peer pressure is the primary contributing factor for many offenses. As part of responsible parenting, we see to it that we give proper guidance through open communication. As much as possible, we try to supervise them with whatever they do even when using the computer. We feed them with useful online articles to read like military school options to at least divert their interests. By providing them with information about self-discipline, there will be lesser chance of turning the wrong way since they already know that for every action, there is always a corresponding responsibility with it.

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