Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Law of Equivalent Exchange

About a few years ago, I’ve always been headstrong in this crooked made up principle of mine, the “Law of Equivalent Exchange”, which I have adopted from a movie series. It more or less states that one cannot gain anything without first giving something in return and to attain that, something of equal value must be lost.

I was so young back then when I hammered that principle into my head. I always thought that everything comes with a price; though, not necessarily monetary value, sometimes the intangible ones or even the infamous “debt of honor”. That one’s a bit tricky.

It’s hard when you have this debt of honor since you’ll be enslaved with the idea of being indebted to someone and the constant need to look for the “perfect price” to repay that debt. You can’t just get a credit repair service to help you. And if the person you’re indebted with is a mean one, then you might be in trouble as it will be used against you. I’m not really in the position to give ideas on how to pay that debt since I have my fair share of those debts also. If ever you have solutions, I would appreciate it if you'll share it with me.

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