Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Incurable disease

Restoring faith in humanity. Why is the civilization no longer interested in being civilized? This line from one of the movie trailers really caught my attention. It’s not one of those questions that have answers anymore, sadly it has become rhetorical. It became given already. It grieves me knowing how true it is nowadays. People are becoming more concerned with how others look at them rather than how they feel about themselves, younger ones like mocking the elders, parents are busy browsing to enroll their son instead of letting him decide what he really wants. Even the values are already messed up! What an incurable disease mankind has brought upon earth? What happened to humanity? We have become too busy satisfying our wants and desires that we forget our spiritual needs. As a passage in the bible goes, “What good is it for the man if he gains the whole world, but loses his own soul?” But it’s never too late to wake up and to make amendments with our lives. The process may be long and painstaking, but it would be all worth it in the end. Let us all restore our faith in humanity.

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