Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Piles of school works

Series of school projects. As their monthly test is about to come, my daughter is now very busy doing various projects. They are required to pass at least 1 work for every subject. Imagine how tiring it is if you have more than 10 to work on? As parents, we find it exhausting since we have other things to do as well not to mention the household chores. In fact, I just came from the mall after buying a long list of needed materials like zipper pouches, envelope jackets, and colored papers. Of course, we can't afford to just look and watch them finish those piles of school stuffs. Personally speaking, arts and crafts are my forte; thus, I really can't help myself but extend a helping hand. Although teachers often say that students must do it themselves; yet, there are things that need adult supervision like when using sharp cutters and scissors. Therefore, parents must always be involved with school works to avoid unwanted incidents. I just hope we can beat the deadline, so that her grades will not be affected.

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