Sunday, June 3, 2012

Hospital phobia

Sick feeling. Today is the schedule for the operation of my brother. As much as possible, I want to be brave for him, but sometimes I just can't hold my tears back. Although this is considered a minor operation, still there is no room for complacency. I really don't like the feeling when inside the hospital since seeing a lot of people from all walks of life come and go simply makes me sick. Just the thought of brushing shoulders with other people while passing by the corridor and riding an elevator already weakens my system. We don't know who among them has rare pulmonary disease like pneumonia. You might ask what are the causes of walking pneumonia. That I do not know as well, but for sure it is serious. I don't have any choice because we have a patient take care. Let us just pray for good health and ask for miracles to happen.

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