Monday, May 28, 2012

Most difficult time in our lives

Faith like a mustard seed. Lately, we are experiencing one of the most difficult times in our lives. One of the hardest for the entire family since it involves the health of our love one. I'm so worried for my brother. Every now and then, series of laboratory testing are ordered by several medical specialists to rule out various diseases. In fact, he is scheduled to undergo a neck surgery the soonest to remove a palpable lump near his throat. As a form of moral support, I did a little research about the procedures, time duration, indications, prognosis, etc. As much as possible, I want to feed him with information to ease his anxiety. Because I am so desperate enough to find the best explanation available, I hop from one website to the other. With all the signs and symptoms present, one can't avoid landing on other type of disease with more or less the same manifestations such as late stage Lyme disease. We just hope that everything will turn out fine. Nothing is impossible if we have faith like that of a mustard seed.

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