Friday, June 29, 2012

Second home

Silly poses. I was trying to delete some old pictures from my cell phone because it has slowed down a bit. While watching those silly poses in Singapore, I suddenly became lonely a bit. I miss my second home. Having stayed there for quite some time is like a once in a lifetime opportunity. I get to know different kinds of people of various nationalities. One thing that also made me appreciate their culture is the equal importance they give to their elders. Despite old age, they still give employment opportunities to them unlike in other countries where sixty years of age citizens are obliged to retire. They also have priority seats in the bus and train. No wonder they truly enjoy their rights and privileges. No need for elder abuse attorney since the government itself ensures maximum protection and safety. I wish I can go back there sometime in the future. Wish me luck!

Online business

Complex procedure. I have a new online business soon to open. I hope this will somehow help since my shop is not doing that good this month. This is quite complex since it encompasses a lot of services from ticketing, remittances, call card loading, and more. In order not to commit mistakes while doing transactions, I need to do trial and error by following the given instructions. The sad part is that I forgot where I stored my username and password. Plus the fact that my laptop is running too slow, which started just this morning; I find it hard and tedious searching for the folder. This may be because of overloading. A lot of files have been saved, which caused the delay. Other causative factor perhaps is the virus.  Hence instead of proceeding to the site, I quickly browsed for alternative storage for my file and this is where I chanced upon document storage phoenix. Anyways to solve this issue temporarily, I called up my friend to have my laptop reformatted. I want to get ready, so that by the time the business will be up and running, at least there will be no delays anymore.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Reasons why I don't have one

Not in the loop. My friends and I like sharing things, events, and feelings, but more often than not, I seem to be not in the loop. They may have the best intentions when they convinced me to get an iPhone. The fact that there are some amazing apps out there where I could get the chance to take good pictures of my foot or any random thing through Instagram is already enough reason for me to buy one. At that point, I entertained the idea of getting one. However, it’s only now that I have enough time to outline the reasons why I should not have one. First is the money issue. An iPhone isn’t cheap and everyone knows this already. And here comes time management. I have a fair number of stuffs to do and unluckily it doesn’t involve sitting all day, surfing the web, and visiting online sites for helicopter lessons. Getting an iPhone would definitely shorten my hobby list too. Lastly, I don’t like attracting crime-related situations. I commute most of the time and I would definitely prefer being able to go around without being paranoid due to the presence of crowd. Therefore, simple living still remains unmatched.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Beating the deadline

Visible effects in few weeks time. Lately, I can feel that I have aged a bit. This is because of stress for sure. I am quite anxious since a lot upcoming bookings are scheduled for this month. I'm afraid I might not be able to beat the deadline. While doing my daily skin care routine, I kind of noticed some fine lines at the side of my eyes. These become more visible whenever I smile. Although aging is inevitable, yet the process can be delayed through proper intervention. Thus, you can find a lot of beauty paraphernalia in my room. Take note, I am still continually searching for the most effective treatment up to this date. In fact I found a variety of products like argan oil for skin. You may say I am vain, but I don't mind because it is true. Despite being married, a woman must know how to take care of herself even more so that her husband will not find her beauty monotonous. Anyways, I hope to see visible effects in just few weeks, so that my effort will not be wasted.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Double time to meet deadline

Catching up time. One week more to go and it's the birthday of my niece. I have to double time since there are still so many things to be done. The theme is fairy in a fantasy land and I want to come up with a nice idea. Everything should blend with the concept, from unique birthday gift ideas to the choices of food served. This is the first birthday of their only child; hence, her parents want it to be as perfect and as memorable as ever. Although guests are carefully chosen, which comprise of close friends and relatives; still the presentation must be remarkably impressive. This is one way of promoting my shop through word of mouth. Thus, I am still continuously searching for new trends on the net to further enhance my skills and creativity. I just hope that this will turn out the way I want it to be. My future bookings will depend on this; thus, I am hopeful and praying for guidance.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Aspiring candidates

Political issues. National election is about to come. Aspiring candidates and incumbent politicians are now slowly making their move to persuade people. Each of them has their own strategy to entice people to vote for them. They are taking into consideration associations of senior citizens and of gays and lesbians since they make up a huge crowd. Even those who belong to out of school youths and troubled teenagers are given importance due to its considerable number. Approved government projects are overflowing here and everywhere. I just hope everything will materialize since the budget is ready, unlike before where several projects are left unfinished. "Ningas Cogon" is what they call this. If not, this may be due to unresolved issues of corruption where they keep on proposing without any intentions of delivering it on its due date. Although in fairness to the other officials, there are also those who are faithfully doing their job without expecting a favor in return.

No other choice but to relocate

Relocating as an option. It's been a week since the class has started. All the while I was thinking that my daughter can adjust with the new environment. Since we just opened a small bridal shop in our hometown, we had no choice but to relocate. This means my child also has to transfer to another school. I really pity her because I know she will find it difficult to mingle with new friends and classmates. I am right indeed, several times she begged me to send her back to her old school. If only I have all the money in the world, for sure she wouldn't have to go through this. At puberty age, she undergoes a lot of changes both physically and emotionally. She needs support in times like these; hence, I want to be there for her all the time. Without thinking twice, I asked help for teenagers from a counselor who also happens to be my friend. I just hope this will work for her since what she is going through is not easy.

Cry of the general population

Positivity in life. People live different lives. Some are well-off, while many suffer from poverty. It is a known fact that the general population is below the middle class society; thus, you often see beggars and squatters roam all over the city. But despite the economic crisis, still people manage to survive life's adversities. Several circumstances show how people can easily adjust to various situations. The best example would be the capacity to provide even the simplest food for Noche Buena during Christmas Eve, come up with the Best 75th birthday party ideas for our beloved parents on their natal day, and to organize a small get together during town fiestas. No matter how cruel life is; we always make an effort to muddle through endless trials. Positivity attracts good luck; therefore, draws possible fortune. This is what keeps us going; hence, it is important to display hopefulness at all times regardless of what life may bring.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

At the end of the day

Timing is all it takes. We have a long weekend ahead and we are planning to take a deep plunge in one of the resorts in our hometown. Just in time, we are also about to celebrate the birthday of our beloved grandmother. Thus as an event coordinator, I came up with 70th birthday party ideas to spice up the merry making. Of course, this service is for free because I just want to make things easier for everyone of us. Less hassle; no pressure at all. I don't find even a single moment dull because this is what I like. I enjoy organizing events, be it a birthday or wedding affair. The pleasure I get from planning and canvassing excites me a lot. I just hope that this upcoming activity will be a success and I am confident that this will pave the way and referrals will overflow at the end of the day.

Being practical

Cooking my specialty dish. I was cooking my specialty for our dinner when somebody called and ordered a small-sized cake for their parent's anniversary. It was a last minute booking since they forgot to bring with them sweets from the city. Instead of spending thousands of fortune to celebrate years of togetherness, family outings as unique anniversary gifts for parents is more practical. In our case, the get together is also a sort of celebration since my husband's team won the 3rd place in the basketball tournament. It was a tough game because the opponent gave a wonderful fight. Most of their players are young sharp shooters, while ours belong to the 35-years and above category. Obviously there is an age advantage; hence, I did not expect their victory at all. Now that the match is over, they are planning to do regular practice for the next competition. Hopeful and expecting, they are eyeing for the champion place.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Keeping self occupied

More than enough extras. While waiting for my daughter's break time, I always bring with me a magazine to lessen boredom. I love to read updates about anything from celebrities to home improvements. Reading feeds your brain with lots of information. Since an idle mind is the breeding ground for all evil thoughts, never allow ill will to dominate in your system. Always keep yourself occupied every single minute. Today, what caught my interest is the featured topic about the mansions of international celebrities. Take note, they cost a jaw-dropping multi-million dollars only. For sure they hired Chicago Landscape Design company for their beautiful landscaped mini-park inside the property. I just wonder how far that big amount of money can go if only they donated that to our least fortunate brethren. If you have more than enough left, why not share all your extras to the needy. In my own point of view, we can't find poor people in the world if greed is out of the picture.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Beautician to the rescue

Customer in need. Since my cousin and I are sharing one space for our business, I always see the happenings within his parlor. I was shocked when one customer came in catching her breath while talking to the beautician. At first, we thought somebody is after her and that she needs help. With teary eyes, she told us that she can't bear the itchiness of her scalp anymore and wanted to have it treated. We suggested that she should see and consult a medical professional, a dermatologist may be. But she insisted and wants to try hair spa instead. Before my cousin started the procedure, she asked the customer to sign a waiver that whatever happens after the treatment there's no one to be blamed but her and she agreed. Since I brought with me my laptop, I immediately searched for suitable product that might be of help to her. Luckily, I opened loaded with useful articles about skin and hair problems. We just crossed our fingers while hoping that nothing bad will happen to her hair.

Unexpected package

Reminiscing those happy times. A package arrived few minutes ago. It was tightly wrapped with bright colored paper with a small note attached to it. To my surprise, it came from my long time friend in Canada. Since I am still inside my shop, I didn't open it; instead I just peeped by making a small tear. It's a small bottle marked with Arganic Oil. It stirred up my interest; thus, I browsed the net and landed on I am so thankful to have friends who still remember me despite distance and time difference. No need to remind them every time there is a special occasion since, they always keep in touch even on ordinary days. No wonder their blessings don't run out because they know how to share them with other people. How I wish we will be reunited again one of these days. As of the moment, all I can do is reminisce those happy times together.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Certified online worker

Fruitful years with my online job. Being an online worker is a blessing for me and I enjoy what I'm doing every single day. Thanks to my cousin who gave his best in explaining to me everything. His patience is what I admired most because he is very hands on when it comes tutorial sessions. Now that I manage my own website, it has provided me with freedom and stability. I can still clearly remember when I first started as a blogger. I had a hard time using the given platform; thus, I did not hesitate to use wordpress help. All it takes is practice and patience, so that you will successfully learn the basics. This is already my third year working online and I don't have regrets. In fact, I wished it was introduced to me at an earlier date, so that I can maximize not just the learning, but the opportunity as well. Looking forward to more fruitful years with my online job.

Important personalities

Celebrity updates. I love to read and watch updates about celebrities and other important personalities. In fact, I have just read a recent article showcasing the Duchess of Cambridge wearing an expensive outfit during the Diamond Jubilee Thanksgiving service. So amazing to think how a simple, yet beautiful woman can transform into an elegant and worth praising person. Her skin is so smooth and flawless like a baby. Because I am so desperate to know how to stay clean and clear, I made some research works about skin regimen. Fortunately, I chanced upon an article about argan oil for skin. It doesn't only enumerate the products, but provide tips on how to maintain healthy looking skin and hair as well. However, the downside of this is that you have to do it regularly, which means additional expenses. Therefore, weight things properly before making some decisions. Your decisions today may have a consequence in the future.

Mother earth's is asking for payback

Mother earth's revenge. Mother earth is already asking for payback after what we have done to nature. The heat of the sun is burning hot; thus, one can expect dull and dry skin and hair during these times. The fact that I had my hair recently re-bonded, it has contributed to its dryness. Good thing my gay cousin who owns a beauty parlor shared argan oil for hair growth and luster. I don't have to suffer that much despite the climate change. But what bothers me most is the sudden change in weather. At one time it is sunny, while suddenly heavy downpour occurs. This can be harmful too one's health since it may bring about cough and colds especially to children. Therefore, we should always be armed with supplements to help boost our immune system and avoid being succumbed by diseases. Getting sick now a days is strictly prohibited especially now that there is economic crisis.

Grown up child

My baby is now a lady. My daughter has already grown up. I can still clearly remember the day when I gave birth to her. But look at her now, she is as tall as me. No one can ever tell that she is my daughter, because we look like sisters instead. At the age of eleven, she already displays signs of puberty. Thus, I want to support her throughout this stage, so that she won't feel uneasy and more so embarrassed. As a form of bonding, often do lunch out just the two of us. We go to our favorite beauty salon together and have our hair trimmed and treated. Since hers is extremely dry maybe due to hormonal changes, the beautician recommended intensive regular treatment. With all the chemicals available, I don't want to settle for anything less. Hence, I did my own research on the net for the most effective one. This is where I bumped into, which has a lot of information to offer. I am so happy to see my baby transformed into a lady.

So it begins

Last Minute. The first week of June is here. Some schools, mostly public are already having their classes while for some other schools, the students are too lucky to have another more week of no classes. That free week could be used to prepare them for the new school year coming up, and mind you it is not that easy since sometimes we tend to still be too caught up with the long break.

A friend of mine who is among of the fortunate ones has a different idea on how to spend her last week. She plans to savor every moment on what’s left of the vacation. Well, if I was in her place I would probably do the same. Besides, who could resist those sandy beaches, the calming view, not having to wake up early morning, and the Chicago Landscaping inspired lanai!

For me, it may or may not be a really good idea. But as for myself, I’ll use the week to put in order my daughter’s school needs since I’m not really a big fan of the long lines in the department store just to complete the school supplies and requirements.

Fancy architectural designs

How to attract clients. I've been to real estate industry for quite some time now, both in brokerage and project selling. Yet, I still get amazed every time I see buildings of different sizes and materials. First thing that would attract the prospect client is the facade. I don't know if you'll agree with me, but this is one thing I noticed. They tend to exert a pull on customers. The fancier the architectural design is, the more the buyer appreciates it. When I visited one of the newly built condominiums in the city, I was at awe with the granite slab colors used. So cool to the eyes, yet trendy. It blends well with the ambiance; thus, very conducive for living. Hence, when I learned that there are more than three hundred applications for condominiums this year; I expect more fascinating layouts to come. I am so excited because selling such wonderful creations for sure will not be difficult.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Staying beautiful forever

How to age gracefully. I wonder what would be the best thing to do to stay beautiful forever. Years pass by so fast; thus, it is not impossible to look a bit older year after year. Since I am so vain when it comes to my appearance, I get anxious whenever I see signs of aging. Every now and then, I discover new beauty secrets just by browsing the net. In fact, a while ago I happen to open while surfing and I find it very useful. It is a general fact that several harmful substances and pollutants can contribute to cell deterioration. This in return manifests through our skin and hair. Therefore, always give time for self-pampering despite hectic schedule. I assure you, it is for your own good. Since we all know that aging is inevitable, it is important to know how to age gracefully instead of waiting things to fall into its proper time and place.

Expected outcome

Most awaited competition. Last night was a busy one for my dearest cousin because one of the nearby towns was having a Grande Ms. Gay competition. Practice here, practice there, and everywhere. As part of the preparation, he went to the city to look for an elegant gown for his candidate and bought the latest make-up kit by Clinique. Because of regular styling, the hair is a bit dry and brittle; thus, he searched online for the best hair treatment available. Fortunately, he landed on, which is quite informative. Lots of tips about hair and skin are made available. When the big night came, everybody was confident that our bet will win. With the killer smile, oozing confidence, and positive aura; the queen is about to be hailed. At the end of the pageant, we went home satisfied with the result. Time spent watching was not wasted because we got what we want.

Sustaining regular pampering

My ultimate weakness. Vanity has always been my weakness. Whenever I see fine wrinkles or even pimples make me want to cry out loud. Thus as much as possible, I allocate few bucks to sustain regular pampering. There are times when I have to sacrifice some of my basic needs over my longings. Of course, I know I am being impractical because there are other more important things than beautification. But I can't help it since I feel incomplete without doing my daily skin care regimen. The joy I get whenever I indulge into such treat is incomparable. And now that my cousin has his own beauty salon, I always make it a point to have my hair fixed at least once a month. This time, I want to try his new hair treatment and experience the benefits of argan oil. I hope this will work, so that wearing a lustrous hair everyday will no longer be impossible.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

To convict or to acquit

Guilty or not. It was just yesterday that the verdict on whether to convict or to acquit the Chief Justice of the Philippines has been announced. Finally after weeks of painstaking trial, never ending rebuttals, lawyers on each other’s neck, and a lot of PowerPoint presentations; the Senate after the voting finally declared that the accused was guilty. And for a while there, a lot of people were suddenly so interested in politics. I must also admit that yesterday, I was really so absorbed the same way I was too engrossed in finding out what is argan oil good for.

The Senators were given a chance to vote and a time to justify their respective votes. One senator pointed out why we should complicate simple things, while another one in my opinion was so insistent on the legal technicalities. Both gave their best speeches; although, I don’t really agree with the latter because I believe that morality takes precedence over legality. For me, what happened yesterday brought back the trust in the maturity of the Philippine government. I guess it’s about time for those in the position to sign those waivers, after all there’s nothing to be scared of if you are not hiding anything. Transparency is a good start.

Not-so-American Idol

American stars. The news about Jessica Sanchez not becoming the next “American Idol” has been very viral, trending in social networking sites even after a few days past the finale itself. Events like these where we could also find a lot of frustrated journalists and commentators alike would emerge online and giving out their own opinion about the whole thing. Although I’m a bit late, well I guess it is also okay for me to go all act like a critic about the issue as I am also a great fan of the show myself. Both Jessica and Phillip were incomparable to begin with. As much as I wanted her to win, part of me knew she wouldn’t in spite of her exceptional talent. Why? Let’s face it; the show isn’t all just about the talent but the overall ‘idol’ material and some popularity to it. Makes me doubt the purpose of the competition the same way I doubt Moroccan oil hair benefits at first use. But I think I should also admit that for someone her age, not to mention that she has no American blood at all, she’s just not worth idolizing in the eyes of the Americans. Perhaps in their eyes it’s American Idol, not “American Asian Idol”.

Hospital phobia

Sick feeling. Today is the schedule for the operation of my brother. As much as possible, I want to be brave for him, but sometimes I just can't hold my tears back. Although this is considered a minor operation, still there is no room for complacency. I really don't like the feeling when inside the hospital since seeing a lot of people from all walks of life come and go simply makes me sick. Just the thought of brushing shoulders with other people while passing by the corridor and riding an elevator already weakens my system. We don't know who among them has rare pulmonary disease like pneumonia. You might ask what are the causes of walking pneumonia. That I do not know as well, but for sure it is serious. I don't have any choice because we have a patient take care. Let us just pray for good health and ask for miracles to happen.