Sunday, April 29, 2012

Lazy Song

Mantra of a Lazy Person. "Today I swear I’m not doing anything… I just wanna lie in my bed". This line from Bruno Mars’ song got stuck into my head. The last song syndrome you might say. I did not know how it got wedged in there when I did not even listen to this song today, or so I thought. Maybe because I heard someone singing it or it just fits my mood today and so happened that I am the overly dramatic type of person that I tend to make a theme song with practically everything I do!

I started out planning to do something productive and since I’m feeling artistic I thought of sketching, but gave up since I can’t find my favorite pencil. I wanted to play the piano, but I’m too lazy to look for the adaptor. I decided to play a game, but eventually looked for the Words With Friends Cheat just to get over it. I guess that there are just some things in life that we can’t finish even if we already started it. Is it because of the indolence or the unavoidable circumstances? Or simply just the lack of motivation and will? That I do not know.

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