Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Here's to hoping

Where am I going? I was never really the type to plan things. I'm seriously not; thus, never vote me as a secretary of any organization or an event planner. I'd probably miss one thing or the other. Oh the horror! Sure I'd get some vague ideas of the future. Usual daydreams of getting rich, hitting it big, having my own book published or putting up my very own coffee shop (by the way a favorite fantasy of mine). But who doesn't? And by the end of the day, most of us would put it up on the shelf, labeled 'someday' or maybe later. And there are days where I’d stop and think, “Where am I going with this thing?” A slight niggling feeling then settles in my stomach, the feeling that I have no idea if I’m getting anywhere. It’s all fine and dandy to just ride the waves for awhile, but sometimes not knowing exactly where I’m going troubles me a bit. I guess what I'm saying is there is some merit to planning. I'm not saying I'd start listing my 90th birthday ideas right this minute, but a little goal-setting and to-do listing might get me to that marshmallow palace, one item number at a time. Here's to hoping.

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