Sunday, April 29, 2012

Lazy Song

Mantra of a Lazy Person. "Today I swear I’m not doing anything… I just wanna lie in my bed". This line from Bruno Mars’ song got stuck into my head. The last song syndrome you might say. I did not know how it got wedged in there when I did not even listen to this song today, or so I thought. Maybe because I heard someone singing it or it just fits my mood today and so happened that I am the overly dramatic type of person that I tend to make a theme song with practically everything I do!

I started out planning to do something productive and since I’m feeling artistic I thought of sketching, but gave up since I can’t find my favorite pencil. I wanted to play the piano, but I’m too lazy to look for the adaptor. I decided to play a game, but eventually looked for the Words With Friends Cheat just to get over it. I guess that there are just some things in life that we can’t finish even if we already started it. Is it because of the indolence or the unavoidable circumstances? Or simply just the lack of motivation and will? That I do not know.

If my mind is an apartment

What ifs? While I was sitting idly on the couch waiting for my mom to come home; my eyes began to wander around the house. Well, I am one of those people whose minds are abnormally restless and too random for my own good. I was thinking of the odds on what could possibly happen if we are living in an apartment. Or better yet, what if my mind is actually an apartment - and a big one too! If my mind is an apartment, it must have a lot of rooms like the “room for improvement”, “room for better understanding”, room where I keep the important memories, room where there is this big collection of art materials and musical instruments, room where I’m going to hold Boot Camps for kids to prepare them for the zombie apocalypse, and the normal ones where people would rent. If my mind is an apartment, it is going to be a very noisy apartment since the boarders are always having a disagreement with each other. Self-justification is battling it out with conscience, headstrong logic against fickle emotions. And of course, it will always be a fidgety one all thanks to imagination. It must be a total mayhem!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Every day is a Fight

Competition Everywhere. In this very cutthroat world, finding your place has become a never ending fight back. Ever since the day you were born, those billions of sperm racing just to reach the egg, the great competition has already begun. Every day has been a struggle just so we can cope up with rivalry. I think it has been already a part of human instincts to refuse to give in to competition and really find their place on top of the ladder. I think our being competitive side has been hard wired into our system. Even in our everyday lives we tend to add the challenge in our houses. Even with just the simplest things we want to be superior to others - we want our garden to look better than our neighbors or play the Hanging With Friends cheat in the internet like a race just to get ahead of them in the leader board. I understand that we need a little push in order to motivate ourselves to do more. But to be too overly aggressive to the point that we are starting to get bloodthirsty is not acceptable anymore.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Improving English skills

Watch your grammar. English is a universal language and we also use it in our everyday lives. We could hear people engaging in an intellectual discourse in the English language every day. Some people are proficient with the language, while some still need to try a little bit harder.

I am always amazed by people who are never shy about speaking the language. But sometimes I get turned off when they couldn’t quite determine the proper use of “you’re”, “your”, “were” and “we’re” in a sentence. I guess simply learning the how to speak English is not enough. You also have to improve the vocabulary and the grammar. You do not have to necessarily enroll yourself in a grammar school when you can improve them on your own. Start by reading a lot, not only can you widen your vocabulary but also learn new things that could add to your knowledge. If you prefer to play than read, you could try playing games like word factory and scrabble, though sometimes calculating scores is a bit tiring, but thank goodness there is a Scrabble Score Calculator.  So I guess it’s about time that we work it up and strive to progress.

Bad Tattoo

No smoking sign. I have this scar on my left leg. An ugly one, I must say. Trust me, I have tried everything just to remove it, but desperately failed. I might consider scar removal surgery or something if I have enough money. Well scars are scars, and the history how I got it is not that tragic.

I got it a year ago when I was riding a jeep on my way home. The person beside me was smoking and the cigarette accidentally got contact with my leg. I remembered how mad I was that time. Who wouldn’t when there’s obviously a big “No Smoking” sign?

I guess that’s one of the problems this permissive society has. It causes the people to abuse and not follow the simple rules. If the smokers really can’t help, then I guess they should start reading about e cigarette reviews and reconsider. And as for me, I didn’t only get the scar as a souvenir, but also the 3000 plus harmful carcinogenic chemicals.

Today is my day

A million thanks. Today is my day and I'm very thankful for having been blessed with fruitful years. Having reached this ripe age, I can say that I am equipped with useful experiences in life. Being surrounded with loved ones and loyal friends is already worth a million thanks.  A beautiful family composed of a loving husband and an adorable daughter is such a wonderful gift from above. I never imagined that life could be as meaningful as this; thus, I am praying and looking forward to many wonderful years to come. With God's will, I hope to see myself planning for 60th birthday party ideas and hopefully beyond. There is nothing more I can ask for except for good health and long life. Although trials come our way, nevertheless, we don't consider them as hindrances. In fact, they make us stronger in faith. So long we believe, we will always stay firm and still.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Hometown reunion

The happiest. I am so excited because we will be going to our hometown this weekend. It's a sort of reunion since the entire clan will be coming. What makes this affair extra special is that my grandmother will also celebrate her 70th natal day. The immediate family is busy with the preparation from the foods to be served up to the gifts to offer. I can't help but imagine what it would be like if I were on their shoes. For sure, the first thing that I would do is to think of 70th birthday gift ideas for mom. She will be very old by that time; hence, I want to make her the happiest by giving her only the best. Anyways, few more days more to go and I will see my closest cousin again. I haven't seen her for a long time; thus, I am so excited to see her new looks. I don't know what to expect since the last time I saw her was when she was still 8 years old. I hope she will recognize me too.

Enough is enough

“Do not eat more than what you can chew; otherwise, you will choke and throw up everything". For starters, it simply means learn to stop when enough is enough. There are instances where you did your best and gave everything you can. But the only problem is that you ran out of time, patience, and pretty much ran out of all the reasons to convince yourself that it is worth testing your break limits. There are times that no matter how hard you tried to make something work, for some unknown reasons it simply just wouldn’t. In situations like these, I think it is about time for us to just give it a rest and find something else worth our time. I mean, why would we content ourselves with 1 option that wouldn’t work when we could have other sem services to choose from. Why waste our efforts when we could use it to do something better. Giving it up doesn’t always mean that you’re too weak to pursue, sometimes it means you’re brave enough to let go and accept the fact that you have done enough. Start something new instead!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Price of modernization

Too modern. It has been a busy week for me, since my niece was here for a visit. I had to do a little baby sitting and baby talking.  Being with kids is really fun, makes you feel like a kid again. But the fun ends when these cute kids will start having their tantrums. Kids these days are really different from kids of my generation. While we play with other children outside and getting our knees skinned; now they prefer to play with iPad and laptops. They become too “modern” that disciplining is more difficult. I think parents should not allow their child to be influenced by too much technology because that would make them neglect things that are far more important. Providing kids with cool baby clothes, the latest gadgets, and the top-of-the-line toys should never be your priority. What is important is the proper guidance and teachings that the parents will inculcate to their children.

Miles apart

Long distance relationships. As I was scanning through my new feeds in Facebook, I came across a post of a friend, a cute picture of her and her boyfriend. If I remembered it right, they met through a boot camp for teenagers and have been together for a few years. So what? Well he lives in New York and she’s in Cebu; miles apart from each other. Difficult you might say, being in a long distance relationship. Not knowing what the other was doing, the apprehension, the uncertainty, and the trust issues. If you can’t deal with all these, then better not be in one. Being in this kind of relationship requires complete trust because it is not the distance that ruins the relationship; doubt does. You have to have patience to willingly wait even if you are unsure on the possibilities that lie ahead and the strength to endure, no matter how hard the circumstances are. As a favorite quotation of mine goes, “Distance is not for the fearful, it is for the bold. It's for those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone in exchange for a little time with the one they love. It's for those knowing a good thing when they see it, even if they don't see it nearly enough... “

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Look before you leap

Too excited. As I was reading what was written on the application of a social networking which I subscribed, a certain line caught my attention - “Look before you leap”. I know that most of us are already very familiar with this food for thought, but what struck me most is that despite its familiarity it is one of the things that I overlooked a lot. I am the type who would normally act on impulse, especially when I am under pressure causing me to say or do things that I know I would definitely regret later. Since this happened to me a lot of times already, I guess it’s about time for me not rush on the first whim. Take time to think things through before snapping out a comeback. I know it’s not that easy, but a little time to “just breathe” will do the trick. Oh come on! We don’t want to be wasting time thinking about our 75th birthday party ideas even if we’re just about to turn 21 simply because we got too excited. Surely, that would be impractical and just plain stupidity.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Here's to hoping

Where am I going? I was never really the type to plan things. I'm seriously not; thus, never vote me as a secretary of any organization or an event planner. I'd probably miss one thing or the other. Oh the horror! Sure I'd get some vague ideas of the future. Usual daydreams of getting rich, hitting it big, having my own book published or putting up my very own coffee shop (by the way a favorite fantasy of mine). But who doesn't? And by the end of the day, most of us would put it up on the shelf, labeled 'someday' or maybe later. And there are days where I’d stop and think, “Where am I going with this thing?” A slight niggling feeling then settles in my stomach, the feeling that I have no idea if I’m getting anywhere. It’s all fine and dandy to just ride the waves for awhile, but sometimes not knowing exactly where I’m going troubles me a bit. I guess what I'm saying is there is some merit to planning. I'm not saying I'd start listing my 90th birthday ideas right this minute, but a little goal-setting and to-do listing might get me to that marshmallow palace, one item number at a time. Here's to hoping.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Be productive

Things to do this Summer. As a student one of our most anticipated times is summertime! Ah yes the beach, being sun-kissed, or simply enjoying the environment.  No deadlines to catch, no lengthy essays to make, and no terror teachers to deal with. Despite of having the best times of our lives, we can’t help but have idle moments too. In school, although our brains have been trained to “do a lot of work” all the time, yet at times unoccupied second set in and can turn into ultimate boredom.

Instead of brooding in the corner and complaining how boring the world is, why not use your time and do something productive? Grab a book, exercise and lose out those body fats, planning random things like 60th birthday ideas for mom and that charity event for street children, or even try that sumptuous recipe in your favorite cooking show! What I’m trying to say is that, summer is not only for relaxation but also the perfect time to learn a lot of new things, venture new terrains, and discover exciting activities. Therefore, allow your mind to work and let your imagination wander.

To live forever

A gift or a curse. I know that there was once a time in our lives that we wanted to live forever, to be immortal. For me at least, I’ve always wanted to reach a century and materialize all of my 100th birthday ideas. Perhaps I could do a lot of things during my 100 years of existence!

Immortality. A word that greatly entices human’s desire. Just imagine what one can do with the infinite time in their hands. But the idea of “living forever” makes me shudder. Just imagine this; you can't die, no matter how much you desperately want to die. You watch the people you love dying, the place you once knew slowly fading away.  I could not quite fathom how lonely it is! You are like living in the world, only to witness its rise and downfall. What a price to pay in exchange for an eternity! I think we don’t need to be “immortal”. We can just leave a legacy for the future generation, in that way, we would be able to live in their minds eternally.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Millions sold

Usual scenario. Apple products have become too normal nowadays and I can't help but also enjoy my freedom of expression and shared what I think about it. Truly, their iPhone 4 product which has sold approximately 200 million according to has clearly been on top of the demand list compared to the other mobile phone competitors. Unfortunately, being on top does not excuse you from having your fair share of imperfections with the product that you have. Going outside I began by asking someone, "Hey do you have iphone 4 problems"? The response I got was an immense one, - "I don't have an iPhone". Indeed that's a big problem! I guess I couldn't just go on asking random people since not everyone could afford to buy one. So I decided to find it out for myself. Anyways, despite those issues, I love their games and applications and for that reason, exploring every single detail has been my latest addiction. Just can't get enough of it.

New era

I could say that we are already in the era where people take so much importance on their “face value”. I mean seriously, people spend a lot on feeding their vanity just to look “good” even if they don’t actually feel so “good” or comfortable about it rather than working out on their attitude issues. I guess that’s one of the problems human nature has. We waste a lot of time, money, and effort doing things we don’t quiet enjoy, with the people we don’t really like just to conform to the norms of the society they secretly hate.

After dissecting the benefits of Moroccan oil to the most bizarre spas in the world, yes we would be willing to experience them just to improve how we look. I am not saying that we neglect or ignore improving our physical appearances. It’s just that we should also take consideration about the more important things because at the end of the day, it is our brain and personality that matters most and stands out.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Natural versus synthetic

Medicinal innovations. I always love Science since my primary years. Even the simplest discovery amazes me. Nature in conjunction with invention is definitely incredible. No single word can explain the magic behind it. As I read medicinal innovations, I'm always at awe knowing what life has in store for us. Hence I always prefer to use natural products over synthetic ones because of the inherent benefits. To keep me updated with the latest products launched, I always make it a point to read monthly beauty magazines subscriptions including e-mags. The latest I discovered is the moroccan oil in a purifying mask and bath oil. So amazing because they offer free shipping anywhere in the world. I'm so excited for the next discovery to be revealed in the coming days. For sure, I won't be behind because this is what I like; organic and safe. If you haven't tried using one, this is your chance to experience the wonders of nature. So good luck and hope you like it!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

There is no harm of being vain once in a while

Advantages of natural treatment. As we always hear, our hair is our crowning glory; thus, we need to be vain once in a while. However, vanity does not always mean expensive. There are other ways and means of taking care of it without having to spend that much. Nature has a lot to offer when it comes to hair pampering. Research studies show how natural oil for hair has benefited a lot of people. They make use of seed and fruit extracts as main ingredients in cosmetic and skin care products. In fact, I have read an article about different kinds of oils and their advantages such as apricot, shea butter, rosehip, and jojoba oil. All it takes is patience since you have to wait for a couple of days in order to get obvious results unlike when you go to a beauty salon where effect is instant. Trial and error approach is also recommended since not all users experience the same result. There is a need to test every single substance that suits your preference; yet, go for the one that offers maximum outcome.