Thursday, August 16, 2012

Anxious about skin condition

Vanity is costly. After availing hair re-bond and hair dye, I felt some itchiness on scalp. This is the first time I experienced such skin problem after having tried more than three times. I did not expect it since I had it in Singapore. For sure, salons there use only genuine chemicals no more, no less. But to my dismay, red skin bumps are obvious on my forehead the following day. It seems like I am allergic to the chemicals used since imported products are usually strong. The fact that I am vain, I thought this would be my end. I was so anxious; thus, I searched the net for possible remedies. There I saw a product called argan oil eczema, which is good for sensitive skin. Honestly I haven't tried it yet, but based on testimonies it seems that the product is very effective. I can't sleep at night especially when air-condition is on because dryness aggravates itchiness. At the moment, I just wish this will go away because it bothers me a lot. If not, I have no choice but to consult a dermatologist. Indeed, vanity is costly.

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