Sunday, August 26, 2012

Full-packed magazine

My daughter, being the only granddaughter who is present in the Philippines is well loved by my parents. Thus, she is kind of a spoiled brat because she always gets what she wants. Whenever we visit the city, they always make it a point to buy her something that will make her smile. In fact, just few hours ago she was given her most longed magazine, which is quite costly. Out of curiosity, I run through the pages to see what makes it that expensive. I'm glad that it's full of useful information not just for kids, but for grownups as well. I'm might use it in my party needs shop since I found some articles like Unique 65th Birthday Gifts For My Wife. I want to add them to my collections of reading materials; hence, I can't wait for the next issue to come out. I don't care much about the price as long as it contains valuable ideas.

Upcoming reunion

Most special person. Our town fiesta is about to come and I'm so excited because the clan is planning a reunion. There will be lots of activities such as games, singing, and dancing. In short, there will be showcasing of talents from each family member and I bet participants are already busy practicing as early as now. This is so because a generous prize is at stake. But what makes it more special is the upcoming birthday of my aunt. This will be the first time where everybody will be present during the two important occasions. Thus, my cousin asked me to help her in the preparation because she wants to give only the best for her mom. Hence, I suggested that she browse Unique 60th birthday gift ideas For Mom on the net to help her decide. With a wide array of choices, for sure you will be able to pick the right gift for the most special person in your life.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Professional baker

Baking industry. I visited a friend of mine who is into baking business. She was very busy when I arrived at her lovely abode due to long list of clients. I love watching her do her thing since she is a professional when it comes to this. One design that caught my attention was the maroon velvet cake especially made for a grandmother's natal day. So elegant and huge that one can't help but turn and take a second look. Nowadays, looking for the Best 90th birthday gift ideas For Her is no longer a problem. A beautifully made piece of cake is more than enough to draw a smile of one's face. Personally I love baking as well. It simply fascinates me because it's like a work of art in the making. My greatest wish is to enroll in culinary arts, so that I can also have my own pastry shop someday. However it's too expensive; hence, that would remain a wish for the mean time.

New party ideas

Latest party needs updates. As I was planning for the upcoming birthday of my daughter, I browse the net daily for the latest in party needs. Apart from it, I also read a lot of magazines to copy some of the celebrities' children's party. But I found Unique 75th birthday gift ideas For Mom instead. Although I didn't get what I was looking for, I'm still happy since I got new ideas, which can be very helpful to my business. I am really interested with arts and crafts; thus, I didn't hesitate venturing into this kind of business. It's kind of fulfilling every time I organized somebody else's birthday. It allows my imagination to wander endlessly and I love it because I can come up with unique creations with less effort. What I need now is to do vigorous marketing to increase sales. This is difficult and I know that even before I started. But with prayer, I know that God will lead the way.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Spending out of proportion

Hypnotized by body products. I just can't help it, but skin care products are my weakness. Every time I see some in the market, there is no way I can't spend for it. It's like I'm hypnotized especially when it comes along with a fruity scent. I feel like heaven whenever I see body scrubs, creams, foams, and the likes. Bathing will never be complete without these stuffs. I don't feel like totally clean if I ran out of supplies even for a day. It seems like I'm addicted to it or maybe obsessed. This shows even when I do online works. I manage to peep through skin care sites for a minute while working. One site I often check out is the because it has a lot to offer. Just the act of taking a quick glance already satisfies me. Hope this does not mean anything psychologically. I simply need to unwind in the middle of my work. And by giving my eyes something nice to see is already a therapy for me.

From far away land

Bizarre feeling. Due to busy schedule, it took us around two months before we visited the city again. I was shocked since a lot of changes have taken place like newly built structures and international food shops. It was a very bizarre feeling because it seems like we really came from a far away land for a long time. Since I am very vain, the first thing I did was to drop by the skin shop for body treat products. Indeed, I found a lot of them. Take note, these cost Hundreds of bucks. Thus, I decided to settle on the most essential, yet affordable. Good thing I always browse the net for latest products, which can be used as substitutes. Try checking them at and you'll see what I mean. Instead of indulging on expensive oils and creams, I rather read on effective alternatives for replacement. By doing so, I save myself from landing on empty pockets.

Balancing family life and work

Quickie make-over. It's hard to balance family life and work. Thus, mothers often end up messy looking. Due to piles of household chores and endless paper works, there is no time for self-pampering. That is why I make it always make it a point to look great despite busy schedule. Since going to the salon is almost impossible, do-it-yourself hair fixing and make-up are essential for me. I can do some quickie make-over even when inside a moving vehicle. This I mastered during my college years since I often ran out of time due to over-staying in the bathroom. Not only that, I also do research regularly to get updates on personal care. In fact, one of my favorite sites is since I get a lot of tips on skin and hair care. Although aging is unpreventable, but practicing the basics can at least help women age gracefully. So never waste a single time! Start as early as now because it is better late than never.

Regular workout

Notable transformation. I love the new workout uniform of my sister; right fitting and size. She had it customized at a very affordable rate. At present, she is very conscious with her health; thus, she does the Zumba fitness dance regularly. Staying fit is very important to keep us away from diseases. It makes our skin glow and well toned. Her husband also goes to the gym as well. But with hectic schedule, sometimes they fail to follow their routines faithfully. Good thing there are supplements such as GenF20 HGH that helps boost energy. At least our effort will not become useless in case we miss a workout. With diligence, exercise will certainly bring good results in no time. One has to find time at least thrice a week to see obvious physical changes. But again, take things slowly. You can only see notable transformation after several weeks; therefore, do not hurry.

From root to tip

Remember the saying, "anything that is more than what you need is not good?" This applies to all aspects in our lives. We should remember this in whatever endeavor we do. If you over do something, that can only cause harm than good to your body. This is a proven fact, not just an opinion. Same thing happens if you do more to your crowning glory. Constant treatment, color, re-bonding, and straightening - all these can damage your hair when overdone. It is a wrong notion that if you put more to it, then the result will be great. Even if you own a salon, do not be vain by fixing it daily just to project a model image. Instead, have a regular schedule, which is preferably a month to allow hair to recover. I bet you will get shiny strands from root to tip with less effort. The lesson here is not to hasten things nor force something. Everything comes in a right time and place, so do not hurry.

Deserving of pampering

With humid air and pollution, I can't help but have dry and flaky hair. Thus to avoid having a bad hair day, I always tie my hair up to the last strand. I know this can be very damaging, but who cares? I don't want my crowning glory to be foul-smelling at the end of the day. Thus, I often read more useful articles to preserve moisture. A lot of women neglect their personal needs due to more important matters. Especially when married, mothers often look after the welfare of their children than theirs. However, that should not be the case since we are entitled to stay pampered despite being married. In my case, I make it a point to go to salon every month for treatment. At times, I also opt to have them colored. Whatever you choose to do with it, bear in my mind that you deserve this.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

No second thoughts

Without second thoughts, I decided to transfer to another bigger location for my shop. This is to accommodate growing numbers of customers. Since we can't avoid instances where customers overflow at the shop, I need to buy some reading stuffs for customers to keep them busy while waiting for their turn. Thus, I wasted no time when I reached the city. Indeed, a lot of good materials are available for this month. Immediately upon reaching home, I scan through the pages for wedding ideas. I was so amazed since 50th Birthday Gifts are also available. It is like hitting 2 birds with 1 stone because my party needs customers can also used them as well. I just hope that this business of mine will prosper. With several competitors available, I know this will be very tough on our part. We need to come up with some bright ideas to draw more clients. Hope this will work. If not, I will lift everything to God for guidance. For sure he has a better plan for each one of us.

Within my interests

Planning to transfer. I am planning to transfer my shop to another place; more spacious and strategically located. We can't deny the fact that people already come to know the shop's name and location. However, I also need to weigh things in order to maximize my sales. Since it is a lot bigger as compared to my present site, I must think of additional stuffs to sell, which are also within my interests. The fact that I am vain, why not try to incorporate beauty products?  Take note, these are imported ones and not just found anywhere in local stores. I found some nice products to sell at But I still have to inquire if they cater international shipping. I can offer them to my clients who want to look pretty during their wedding day. Anyways, I only need a small glass rack to display the goods; hence less hassle. I hope that everything will turn out right. Fingers crossed!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Online issues

Meant for sharing. Trending now over the internet and part of the headlines on the news is the controversial issue of a certain senator plagiarizing a blog, which includes speech during his “turno on en contra” for a bill that is to be passed or denied by the Senate. I find it ironic how a public figure that has knowledge about the law itself is allegedly accused of copying it from a certain blog. Taking a few lines or just grasping the idea would have been okay, but copying a lot of lines without mentioning the original author, that would cause a problem. In my opinion, he has the capacity to formulate his own speech and incorporating his own ideas, but whether it was his fault or his secretary, yet they opted to copy. Their stand was that the blog was meant to be shared in the first place, but in the defense of the author of the blog, she deserved to be recognized and somehow be credited for her intellectual property. Think of this analogy: another landscaping company copying the style of Glencoe landscaping and the former got more credit. It is unfair for the latter’s part, much like the situation of the above stated.

Through the years

To grow old with you. I have high respects for the elderly. I admire their wisdom they acquired over the years and I envy the fact that they reached the certain age which I could only dream of reaching. One time while I was on my way home, I came across an elderly couple. He made sure she was on the safe side of the road, and she was holding his hand. Seeing this, it made me realize that it was indeed a very heartwarming sight because not all of married couples nowadays could experience like that. In fact, some marriages even end up in divorce. It made me wonder if I myself could get the chance to experience that too! It would be so nice to have someone to grow old with, to be with through the good times and bad or simply being together with someone for as long as we live. Sounds mushy I know, but it would really feel great when the children gets unique anniversary gifts for parents for mom in particular, on their 65th wedding anniversary.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

High rise buildings

Useful sites. At present, I noticed that a lot of high structures are built just anywhere in town. Like mushrooms, they are sprouting here and there. This only shows that our economy is growing stronger because investors are not afraid of spending their money on multi-million investments. However, the downside of this is that pollution is also uncontrollable. Due to endless construction, one can't avoid but inhale dirt and dusts even in the countryside. Skin problems become a growing concern by many. In fact, pimples are commonly seen not just with teenagers. I for one have a lot of them due to daily exposure to pollutants. Since I am not used to this, I make it a point to get rid of them at once. Apart from simple facial washing, you'll find me facing the computer searching for skin remedies. If you want, I can share to you some sites I visited. Kindly Click here for more useful information.

Anxious about skin condition

Vanity is costly. After availing hair re-bond and hair dye, I felt some itchiness on scalp. This is the first time I experienced such skin problem after having tried more than three times. I did not expect it since I had it in Singapore. For sure, salons there use only genuine chemicals no more, no less. But to my dismay, red skin bumps are obvious on my forehead the following day. It seems like I am allergic to the chemicals used since imported products are usually strong. The fact that I am vain, I thought this would be my end. I was so anxious; thus, I searched the net for possible remedies. There I saw a product called argan oil eczema, which is good for sensitive skin. Honestly I haven't tried it yet, but based on testimonies it seems that the product is very effective. I can't sleep at night especially when air-condition is on because dryness aggravates itchiness. At the moment, I just wish this will go away because it bothers me a lot. If not, I have no choice but to consult a dermatologist. Indeed, vanity is costly.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Drawback of the advancement

Cyber bullying. A friend’s friend died just a few hours ago. She was pretty, smart, and was always full of life as people would describe her. But nonetheless, she died because she committed suicide. Ironic isn’t it? Poor girl was a victim of cyber bullying. Due to the fact that almost everyone has easy access to the Internet, some abusive ones use this and other related technologies to the disadvantage of other people. Scandal pictures went viral in the internet, people targeting others and posting it online, and hostile actions against others. Cyber bullying is one of the drawbacks of the advancement of technology. Cyber bullying is a crime as it will cause unintended effects like suicide. Something has to be done to prevent this kind of situation. Although it is admittedly difficult to control due to the number of people over the internet and tracing each one of them would be impossible, you would probably need an Interim HR Manager duplicated a million times to handle everyone. I guess it is the initiative of everyone before they would engage themselves in the internet that they should be responsible for all their actions, especially the risks and consequences.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Finished earlier than expected

Due in few days time. School projects are due in few days time. Teachers require us to cut pictures; thus, I collected old magazines of my aunt. Luckily I got plenty of them; hence, I finished earlier than expected. I really enjoyed going through the pages especially those latest fashion statements. I also like to watch those beautiful houses of celebrities with all their state of the art appliances, unique architectural structures, and unique facades. What caught my attention is the television mounted on the wall because of its size. Having a trendy appliance is not a problem for them because they have Roseville CA appliance repair center to call anytime in case of being busted. How I wish I can also have one of those stuffs in my own house in the future. But the freight and handling is very costly, which I know I can't afford. Anyways, there is no harm in dreaming because it's for free.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Long queue

Monthly exams. It's time for monthly exams again. You can see a lot of parents lining up at the department store to comply with the requirements for the first grading period. I for one lined up to buy holiday stationery and other raw materials for my daughter's scrapbook. I just don't understand why this has to be submitted few days before the exam. During these days, students must have started browsing their notes for the coming examination. For this reason, getting red marks is not impossible. Thus as parents, we worry a lot for our children because this will add stress not just physically but emotionally. I wish teachers will soon realize that this strategy is not helpful. This will only result to cramming since there is no enough preparation. I am not really against passing of projects. What I want to express is that this should not be done in time with the assessment so that students can have focus. But who am I to complain? I will just have to do my part. Anyways, this is for the sake of my daughter.