Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Few bucks for vanity

Vain to the maximum. This is me; I am vain and I don't deny it. I love to keep myself always beautiful and smart. Thus, I don't mind allocating few bucks for my vanity. But this time, I have some regrets after I had my hair dyed and re-bonded. I experienced some itchiness on my scalp and since then my hair became dry. I easily get awakened at dawn; thus, I can't sleep without having to take anti-histamine medications. To address my concern, I consulted a dermatologist and was diagnosed with allergic reaction to the chemicals used. Apart from it, I also did some self-help for my brittle hair by browsing the net for treatment. I read a wide array of recommendations like the sap of Aloe Vera, benefits of argan oil, and the magic of mayo. I just hope that this do-it-yourself remedy would help restore the natural shine of my crowning glory.

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