Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Agents almost everywhere

Promising industry. Experts say real estate is a promising industry; thus, you can find several agents almost everywhere. I for one am also into this career since I find it very lucrative when it comes to rewards. The income is unlimited so long you don't stop looking for buyers. One obvious sign to help you determine whether they are agents or not is the vinyl sleeves they always bring with them. This is where they place the flyers and brochures of different developers. But because of tough competition, salespersons have their own strategy to convince prospects. However what is important is the after sales service you provide, because this will help you connect with your clients. Aside from establishing constant connection, this is also one way of getting more prospects through referrals. The better your service is, the more recommendations you will get. Good luck and may you have more sales to come!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Against the code of ethics

In real estate, every single minute is precious. I was caught in a heavy traffic while on my way to meet a client. But I made sure to call her ahead of time since it is against our code of ethics to keep a prospect waiting. When I reached our meeting place, I saw her very engrossed with her phone. I slowly walked towards her, so as not to cause disturbance. I greeted her with a smile and politely apologized for the inconvenience. But she said no worries since she also got the chance to be familiarized with her newly bought Iphone. In fact, she is hooked with the new game Words For Words With Friends. I'm so lucky that my client is very cool and patient. If that happened to other customers, for sure they would have left after a minute. Lesson learned; always be on time. Every single minute is precious and may affect the outcome of the transaction.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Against the code of ethics

In real estate, every single minute is precious. I was caught in a heavy traffic while on my way to meet a client. But I made sure to call her ahead of time since it is against our code of ethics to keep a prospect waiting. When I reached our meeting place, I saw her very engrossed with her phone. I slowly walked towards her, so as not to cause disturbance. I greeted her with a smile and politely apologized for the inconvenience. But she said no worries since she also got the chance to be familiarized with her newly bought Iphone. In fact, she is hooked with the new game Words For Words With Friends. I'm so lucky that my client is very cool and patient. If that happened to other customers, for sure they would have left after a minute. Lesson learned; always be on time. Every single minute is precious and may affect the outcome of the transaction.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Product knowledge seminar

Wise spending. Earning a living is not that easy. This is what I realized after having attended several real estate seminars from various developers. Product knowledge seminars are pre-requisites before a salesperson can actually sell their projects. Aside from the tutorial sessions, you will be given lots of flyers and brochures to be distributed to clients. This is my concern now, because I already have piles of them in our room. To the rescue, my husband came up with an idea to at least lessen the mess. He bought vinyl envelopes where I can organize them according to project's name. By staring at them, it came to my mind that money earned from real estate is not easy money because agents also squander effort and time. In fact, we even allocate budget for site tours especially if there is no company vehicle available.  Thus, I promised myself that never again will I waste money earned from selling properties. Instead, I will be wise in spending by investing it on another property.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Convenience for all

All within one's reach. One thing I like most in Singapore is the convenience it provides its people. The air-conditioned buses and trains give every commuter comfort even with long distance travel. Presence of primary and secondary schools in every block don't give the parents and students an excuse for not going to school. For the maids out there, there is no way to complain every time employer will ask them to buy grocery every now and then because the convenience stores are just at the lower level of each flat. On the other hand, if there's an urgent need for you to replace your appliances and equipment such as vacuum, documents shredding machine or flashlight; no need to go to the mall because you can find them at a nearby shop as well. What can you ask for? Everything is just within your reach. All you need is money to purchase your needs. So cool and practical!

Big thanks to Him

Due to global crisis both in politics and economy, the entire nation has been affected. In effect, the world is in chaos everywhere you go. You can hear news about mass strike, picket, havoc, abduction, hijacking, and hostage taking. Take note, this situation is not only confined to our own country, but all over the world. Since it is the responsibility of the government to secure the welfare of their people even when abroad; immediate action has been taken to address their concerns. Several of our countrymen were and are still stranded abroad because of delayed flights brought about by this crisis. Hence as an effort to show desperate need for evacuation; the government implores the help of commercial airline companies to transport passengers back to their country of origin. Some though were transported through private aircrafts of aviation companies. For those who are not familiar with the formerly mentioned airliner, an example of which is the New York Air Charter. This operates by renting the entire craft instead of buying individual seats. With cooperation, all stuck commuters went home safe and sound. Thanks to Him!

Get focused

This is it; my goal is to get focused on real estate; hence, we attended a series of seminars to be accredited. I was trying to find a photocopier in one of the nearest malls in our place. One time, I need to have a copy of the updated map of the project developer to see if there are still available lots for sale. Unfortunately the only one available equipment was out of order; thus, I need to come up with an idea. To make it short, I went inside the appliance center and make it appear that I am canvassing for a photocopier unit. I asked the salesman to do a testing using the document I brought. I was so shocked when I found out that the papers I handed turned into smaller pieces. The unit is for shredding documents, not a photocopier. I learned my lesson well. Never outsmart others by taking advantage of them. If you need help badly, express your real intentions, instead of deceiving them.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Attending product knowledge seminar

Splurging on sale items. Just recently, my husband and I joined several product knowledge seminars for various real estate developers, which took place at different malls. We want to be there on time; thus, we are already there one hour before the schedule. To kill the time, we went from one shop to another. Indeed, goods were really enticing, but we can't afford to waste money on luxurious things especially in times like these. For curiosity sake, we went inside the appliance center because they offered huge discounts on all items. Markdown ranges from thirty to fifty percent on refrigerators, television sets, document shredding machines, fax units, and more. Just can't resist it because this happens only once in a year. Thus to avoid the temptation, we went out and divert our attention to the sumptuous foods displayed in the stalls. Although irresistible, the cost involved is very minimal compared to the sale items. I just wish that I can close a deal this week, so that I can splurge on my wants once in a while.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Hard to believe dreams

World of idealism. When I was still a child, I always had quite a number of "hard to believe" dreams; in other words totally impossible. Take note, those happened almost every day every time I'm in a deep sleep. Alien invasion, flying from outside a plane, running like a pro, having wings are just some of my wild imaginations. I always get fascinated with flying because it makes me high. At times, I visualized myself undergoing airplane and helicopter training lessons. You might think it is funny, but it's true. I usually make up stories because I feel satisfied even by just thinking of it. However as I grow up, I realized that day dreaming is not a healthy practice. This will only add to your frustrations in life and later on can be detrimental to your health. Thus as early as now, learn to control life by focusing on reality instead of being fixated on the world of idealism.

Safety first above all things

Child's interest. Keeping your child busy even during summer is a good idea. This will help them divert their attention instead of resorting to non-sense activities. There are a lot of things to choose from, which include art making, dance sports, and voice lessons. However if you have extra budget to spend, why not try unusual activities such as helicopter lessons for boys and beach hopping for girls. But take note those can be very costly; thus, you need to carefully discern which one suits your child's preference. What we want to avoid here is the withdrawal from class after having paid in full due to loss of interest. Hence before deciding, you have to take into account several things such as the location, accessibility, cost involved, and duration. These are factors that should not be taken for granted. However regardless of their pick, the most important point here is to prioritize your child's safety above all things.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Adult supervision is a must

With close supervision. At present, kids of new generation are difficult to handle. They have a mind of their own, which is very complicated. Maybe this has something to do with technology. Exposure to non-sense programs can greatly influence their characters especially that they are still on the process of forming their identities. Some of them tend to become rebellious to get attention, while others are literally carried away by their peers. Thus as parents, we are constantly looking for ways to contain their behaviors, so that they will not go astray. We only want the best for them; therefore, as much as possible we want them to have self-discipline. Aside from counseling, I find it a must to have the children of today enrolled in Boot Camps for training and guidance. But this should not stop here. At the end of the confinement, whatever they learned inside must be carried over in the outside world, of course with the close supervision of their parents.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Hundred percent all

New career, new world. For some time now, being a freelance real estate salesman has made a big difference in my life. Thanks to my cousin who convinced me to have my own website. A lot of my co-salesmen asked me of my secret in selling and I told them without hesitation. First you need a site design, which is analogous with the product you are selling. Once you have the merchandise, you need to have a space to display your products, which is comparable to website hosting. One reputable company is the hostgator. Since they are not that computer savvy, they don't understand the terms I enumerated. All they want is to have one to augment their monthly sales. At first I thought sales is not me because I don't have the convincing powers to influence others; thus, I never imagined myself to be in this kind of industry. But now as I enjoy the fruits of labor, without a doubt I can say that this is my new world. Happy selling!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Contented with my new look

No pain, no gain. I have never been this contented with my new look. Although, I experienced some itchiness after having been to a salon; yet, the result is worth the money. My hair is naturally wavy. Many say it's sexy to look at, but I don't agree especially when it comes to my bangs. It has a tendency to curl and I just don't like it. Therefore, I decided to avail of the re-bonding services at a discounted rate in one of the popular beauty shops in Singapore. To maintain the new texture and softness, they offered me some argan oil hair products along with their homemade hair spray. I could not ask for more. All I want is for this to become permanent, so that I won't have to repeat the procedure all over again. Imagine, 3-4 hours of waiting just sitting on a chair. My butt already hurts, but as they say; no pain, no gain. Thus I am left with no choice, but to patiently wait until it's done.

Few bucks for vanity

Vain to the maximum. This is me; I am vain and I don't deny it. I love to keep myself always beautiful and smart. Thus, I don't mind allocating few bucks for my vanity. But this time, I have some regrets after I had my hair dyed and re-bonded. I experienced some itchiness on my scalp and since then my hair became dry. I easily get awakened at dawn; thus, I can't sleep without having to take anti-histamine medications. To address my concern, I consulted a dermatologist and was diagnosed with allergic reaction to the chemicals used. Apart from it, I also did some self-help for my brittle hair by browsing the net for treatment. I read a wide array of recommendations like the sap of Aloe Vera, benefits of argan oil, and the magic of mayo. I just hope that this do-it-yourself remedy would help restore the natural shine of my crowning glory.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Soon to be an adolescent

Obvious transformation. Watching my daughter play with her friends is a proof that time flies so fast. I can still clearly recall the time when she was born. But now she is as tall as me; thus, by hanging around together many says we are like sisters. Physically, one can easily tell she is about to become an adolescent because of many changes in her body. Stinky smell, frizzy hair, and dandruff are just few of the obvious signs of puberty. Although these are just normal things that accompany teenage years, still I don't want her to experience ridicule. So as a mom, I see to it that she is properly taken care of. I researched carefully as to the ideal product that can address her needs. During one of my browsing sessions, I saw Alterna Shampoo, which I find very effective. Despite the pampering of an adult, still I want her to enjoy her childhood by allowing her to do whatever she wants during her free time. As much as possible, I want to treasure every moment because I know that when she grows older, seldom can we spend time together.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Four in one celebration

Rare occasion. We were invited to attend a pool side birthday bash by a close friend of ours. This is quite Grande because four of them are celebrating their natal day. It's a rare occasion wherein several members of the family were born on the same month. Thus, I had a hard time choosing unique birthday gifts for the celebrants. While inside the venue, we were exposed directly under the sun because there was no single shade where we can hide. Since we've been there the whole day, I got too much tan. My whitening liquid soap is now useless; hence, I'm a bit worried on how to get back my original color. Good thing my mother who just came from Singapore bought three refill packs of the soap. At least, my focus will be on how fast my complexion will return and not what to spend just to stay and feel beautiful.