Monday, May 28, 2012

Most difficult time in our lives

Faith like a mustard seed. Lately, we are experiencing one of the most difficult times in our lives. One of the hardest for the entire family since it involves the health of our love one. I'm so worried for my brother. Every now and then, series of laboratory testing are ordered by several medical specialists to rule out various diseases. In fact, he is scheduled to undergo a neck surgery the soonest to remove a palpable lump near his throat. As a form of moral support, I did a little research about the procedures, time duration, indications, prognosis, etc. As much as possible, I want to feed him with information to ease his anxiety. Because I am so desperate enough to find the best explanation available, I hop from one website to the other. With all the signs and symptoms present, one can't avoid landing on other type of disease with more or less the same manifestations such as late stage Lyme disease. We just hope that everything will turn out fine. Nothing is impossible if we have faith like that of a mustard seed.

Month of May

Ingenuity runs in the blood. Whenever month of May comes, customers are very few since most are busy with various town fiestas. Plus the fact that it's weekend; there's nothing much to do. Instead of just sitting there and wait for sales to come in, I chose to make use of my time by creating new designs for my accessories. Without wasting a single minute, I browsed the net since there are plenty of trendy ideas available online for this year. While searching for related keywords, I happen to open a website about elevator manufacturer. It's kind of weird since I typed other thing and the result is a quite far and non-related. Anyways I enjoy doing my hobby because aside from the pleasure I get, I also earn a living at the same time. As long as ingenuity runs in the blood; for sure I won't run out of ideas for my hand-made business.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Alleviating monotony

Priority over any other things. Customers are few these days; hence, I sometimes feel bored while inside my shop. This is because classes are about to start and people give more priority to school stuff over any other things. Since I have nothing else to do aside from doing my routine, I play with my phone using Scrabble Score Calculator application to at least alleviate monotony. Sitting there the entire day makes me feel sick. In fact I often experience various signs and symptoms lately, which come from nowhere. I don't want to get ill because that would mean additional expenses from check up to medications. Hence I promised myself that starting tomorrow; I will do regular exercise first thing in the morning to get rid of unwanted fats and excessive cholesterol. Most importantly, to have a stable blood pressure is my ultimate goal especially at my age. This way, I'll stay fit at the same time do away with tediousness.

Hospital procedure

Replenished and strong. Early in the morning, we went to the hospital for the CT scan of my brother. This is the usual scenario every time you want to be first on the line since patients are entertained on a first come, first serve basis. Although the procedure lasted only for a few minutes; yet we need to wait at the post recovery room for quite some time to observe abnormal reactions if any. Hence to lessen boredom, I took out my phone and played Words With Friends Cheat. Approximately two hours after, he was allowed to go home safe and sound. Since the laboratory test needs some fasting prior to the actual procedure, the entire family did not take breakfast to be fair with my brother. Thus, we end up starving and hypoglycemic. The first thing we did after being released was to eat at the nearest fast-food just across the hospital. At last, we feel replenished and strong again!

Travelling to and fro

A friendly gadget during travel. Travelling to and fro the province is not new to me because I've been doing this quite frequently lately. Since we just opened a small business in our hometown, it is not unusual for us to travel for almost two hours to buy some stuff. At times I feel bored especially during heavy traffic; thus, I make it a point to bring along with me my Iphone. This is the only way I can get rid of boredom by playing cheating in words with friends. For many, this routine can be very tiring. Imagine having to travel for long periods of time around twice or thrice a week? But since our goal is to earn a living, we never let anything get our way not even exhaustion. If you come to think of it, this is a very sad scenario, but a true fact. People don't mind as long as there is money in return. Anyways, good thing I always have a source of enjoyment that would help me forget my problems even for a while. Thanks to this friendly gadget!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Instilling discipline

Little time and marketing strategy. Just recently, we relocated to our hometown to launch our small business -  Clea's Closet. This is a one-stop shop for all your wedding and party needs. I had a sort of culture shock since the people are very much different as compared to our previous residence. Buses and all kinds of vehicles pass endlessly even until dawn. Although life is quite simple; during night time I find it hard to sleep because a lot of bystanders hangout near our house. In fact, sometimes I see drug addicts shouting in the middle of the night and often end up rumbling. Thus, most parents prefer Boot Camps for teenagers to instill discipline at an early age rather than putting their children in a rehabilitation center later when they are grown-ups already. Anyways, all I wish is for my business to prosper. Just need a little time and of course an effective marketing strategy.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Opposite effect

Damage has been done. I am not sure if you agree with me, but in our place we have this tradition to cut our hair before New Year’s Eve comes. I really do not know the reason behind, but I guess it’s for good luck. Here’s what happened to me last year, which has something to do with my crowning glory. My mother and I went to the salon to have our hair cut. The person who assisted us happens to be a close friend of mom. She convinced us to try hair re-bonding, but I refused her offer. So desperate to hit her quota, she persuaded my mom by giving her a discounted price; hence, I had no choice but to give in. To make the long story short, that event didn’t do good to me. My hair became dry after that. I wonder if it’s really supposed to work the opposite way. I tried everything to somehow restore the luster by putting avocado, but it was futile. I even considered putting moroccanoil for hair, but I think it would be costly. Do you have any suggestions for me? Please let me know.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sovereignty dispute

Every time I turn on the television and watch the news today, there is always this news broadcast about the sovereignty dispute between the Philippines and China over the Scarborough Shoal.

Well I am a Filipino as you may know and you can’t blame me if I am going to be a bit too nationalistic with my opinions about this whole issue. Or maybe because there are an awful lot of posts from other people raving about the topic the way the beauty world has been raving about argan oil that I also wanted to share what I have to say.

I really think it’s a bit unfair for China to still share ownership with the Scarborough since if you’re going to look closely in the map; Scarborough is really nearer the Philippine territory than theirs. And besides, as a saying goes, “God created the world, the rest was created by China”. So I suppose giving up on Scarborough won’t have that much effect on them. However if they would really insist and worst comes to worst that they will decide to resolve things through war; then, I guess it’s about time for us to give up instead. I mean, come on! We are nothing as compared to them. This is sad, but definitely true.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What's wrong with this world

Bad news. I do not quite grasp the logic why the news would broadcast mostly about bad reports - death, war, sickness, and the scandalous life of the celebrities that we used to look up to. I realized that they are not good enough and in constant debate between the church and the state like the RH bill and gender selection.

Watching all these things on television, I can’t help but feel too self-righteous. Just viewing how the sentimental aspects of life has been decentralized into just superficial modes for entertainment purposes; exaggerated advertisements are tolerated for customer satisfaction no matter how weird the ideas may be.

It is a bit depressing how purpose has transformed into just an option rather than a necessity. Reason becomes deadweight to our soul whilst passion becomes nonsense that feels “so right”. This world is indeed a beautiful and ugly space, which spreads inside and out.

I wanted to be a chef

Believing in yourself. There is this show in Star Movies that I really enjoy watching: Junior Master Chef Australia Season 2. I have never missed an episode of this show ever since season one. It is a cooking show or competition where little kids are the ones who would make those delicious foods.

You see, I have a lot of dreams and ambitions and pretty much a number of things that I wanted to do ,but I don’t end up doing because I either ran out of time or just strapped for cash. One of these things is to become a chef. As I was watching those little “cheflings” on the show, it made me feel a bit jealous. It’s amazing how instantly I get annoyed by people who remind me of the person I want to be.

If I’m going to be a chef, I’d definitely cook sumptuous foods! Put some exotic ingredients like argan oil products, which I’ve read to be very great. What a unique recipe! Indeed you could really sweet talk yourself into believing that you can do everything. Well, I think it is all about believing in one self.