Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Venturing into business

New me. All my life, I really wanted to own and manage my own company since I find it convenient and advantageous. Convenient because I get to choose my working hours; advantageous since whatever sales that would come in would certainly go to our account. I used to work in various international companies for so many years, yet I haven't noticed any improvement in our way of living. Thus, I decided to quit job and venture into business. However, the downside of it is that no more time for oneself due to hectic schedule. This has come into my senses after my sister told me that I look a bit old now as compared to my actual age. Maybe because I'm too pressured looking for clients. Since I am very particular with the way I look, I became too anxious with my appearance. Hence, I wasted no time and look for remedies on the net. I happen to land on and found some useful tips on how to maintain beauty and moisture. I just hope that it's not too late. I want to see a new me the soonest!

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