Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Away from urban lifestyle

New environment. Living in the province is much far different from urban lifestyle. With less complication as compared to the city life, people get to enjoy peace of mind. There is no need to worry about busy streets due to bumper to bumper traffic situation; thus, my parents have decided to settle here for good. Since we have bought a parcel of lot, we want to build a humble house with small garage. After having consulted a contractor, we found out that the cost involved is quite high. To cut cost a bit, we opt to choose do-it-yourself fixings using wooden shed kits for our garage. At least, our concern will be more on the expenses for the house construction only. We hope to finish everything within this year, so that we can now move in the soonest. I know this will be the start of our new life. I just hope everything will turn out right the way we want it to be. However, we are asking for God's guidance as we face new people and environment. Good luck to us!

1 comment:

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    Thanks in advance for your consideration. If you could confirm the link removal, it would be sincerely appreciated.


    Andy Contreras III
