Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Be consistent

Few days from now, I need to purchase again a separate type of printer for my printing business. A lot of clients have ordered for mugs and foldable fans as corporate giveaways. Although costly, I need to take the risk and invest my money in order to earn. What I like about this machine is that the market is not limited. Items can be made as tokens of appreciation, while some can be nice Anniversary Gifts for Parents. Anyways it's not the material thing that counts most, but the thoughts. Whatever it is that you give, as long as it is heartily given; that could mean the most special present ever in the eyes of the recipient. On my part, I need to make sure that the products I'll be offering are of great quality so as to surpass their expectations. The future of my business is at stake; thus, I need to be consistent.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Time to shine

As our town fiesta is nearing, each of us in the family becomes very engrossed with our designated task. While some are assigned in the accommodation for our "balikbayan" relatives; others are busy with food preparation, tarpaulin layout, and program finalization. Adding pressure to the upcoming affair is the birthday bash of our beloved Lola; thus, making it a double celebration. She has been bedridden for several years now due to brain tumor; yet, she is a fighter. Despite her age and condition, we still want to give her the grandest merrymaking ever. I know this whole event coordination thing can be very exhausting. I am still in the process of browsing for possible presents. Although I saw many 70th Birthday Ideas, I can't decide on what to give since I find all of those stuffs nice and cute. I just wish that the flow of the affair will go smoothly. I don't want to miss any single detail because I want to prove something. This is my time to shine; so, good luck to me!

Friday, September 21, 2012

For hire cleaners

Time management. As the month of September ends, parties are endless. Several clients look for gowns, birthday bashes are too many to accommodate, and fiestas are almost everywhere. This is my chance to recover loss in sales incurred from previous months. Although I'm happy with the way my business is making, but I tend to neglect my personal needs due to hectic schedule. Thus if you can see me now, I look very haggard and exhausted. Since I can't find time to go to salon for a makeover, I decided to just browse the net for some do-it-yourself pampering. In the same way, I also don't have time to do even simple carpet cleaning. How I wish I can find cleaners for hire just like rancho santa margarita carpet cleaning. By the way, I saw this while searching for beauty remedies. At least, now I won't have to divide my time between business and household chores. No hassle, less worries.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Anxiety of mine

Curiosity over miracle product. I would like to believe that staying young and healthy looking is in the genes. However, I start to prove myself wrong as I look at the mirror. Due to stress, I noticed that wrinkles on my forehead and crow lines near my eyes are pretty much obvious lately. Plus the fact that I don't have time to fix my hair; thus, I end up tying it using a rubber band. This anxiety of mine becomes intense every time customers address me as "ate" when in fact I am much younger than them. To my dismay, I browse the net for possible remedies to at least lessen my concern. I got curious when I saw benefits of this amazing oil. I wonder if this is a miracle product that can do magic in just a short period of time. How I wish! I need to get back to a younger me. Hope this will work.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Venturing into business

New me. All my life, I really wanted to own and manage my own company since I find it convenient and advantageous. Convenient because I get to choose my working hours; advantageous since whatever sales that would come in would certainly go to our account. I used to work in various international companies for so many years, yet I haven't noticed any improvement in our way of living. Thus, I decided to quit job and venture into business. However, the downside of it is that no more time for oneself due to hectic schedule. This has come into my senses after my sister told me that I look a bit old now as compared to my actual age. Maybe because I'm too pressured looking for clients. Since I am very particular with the way I look, I became too anxious with my appearance. Hence, I wasted no time and look for remedies on the net. I happen to land on and found some useful tips on how to maintain beauty and moisture. I just hope that it's not too late. I want to see a new me the soonest!

Too lazy

Being beautiful is an advantage. Now that I have a bridal and party needs shop, I find it too lazy to indulge in beauty pampering. Most of the time, I just tie my hair up and put on some lipstick. That's it! I'm now ready to face my clients. But at times, I realize that I need to treat myself to some kind of indulgence. I believe I deserve it anyway after a long and tiring day. So to address my needs without interrupting my business, I often do online research for beauty tips and products and here I found, which is full of information. Being a mother, a wife, and a businesswoman is indeed a tough job. But it doesn't mean that you have to neglect yourself in order to become effective on those areas. Remember, that staying beautiful can be an advantage since this will help in drawing more clients. So good luck!

Always wear protection

Consequences of sun exposure. The heat of the sun nowadays is very much different as compared to the past. Even few minutes of exposure, you will certainly feel tingling and burning sensation. Thus, getting patches of discoloration particularly on the face is not a remote possibility. Another consequence of constant exposure is dry and brittle hair. To at least lessen the severity, it is advisable to apply some sort of protection. However if you already have some signs, it would be best to do treatment. Vain as I am, I always make it a point to do my homework to maintain moisture. Of course, online research is very much helpful since you do not have to hop from one shop to another just to look for your preferred products. Here is one miracle product I find beneficial since it can do a lot not just to your skin, but to your entire body from hair to nails. For more details, kindly read more on this amazing product, so that you may benefit from it as well.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Away from urban lifestyle

New environment. Living in the province is much far different from urban lifestyle. With less complication as compared to the city life, people get to enjoy peace of mind. There is no need to worry about busy streets due to bumper to bumper traffic situation; thus, my parents have decided to settle here for good. Since we have bought a parcel of lot, we want to build a humble house with small garage. After having consulted a contractor, we found out that the cost involved is quite high. To cut cost a bit, we opt to choose do-it-yourself fixings using wooden shed kits for our garage. At least, our concern will be more on the expenses for the house construction only. We hope to finish everything within this year, so that we can now move in the soonest. I know this will be the start of our new life. I just hope everything will turn out right the way we want it to be. However, we are asking for God's guidance as we face new people and environment. Good luck to us!

Love as the foundation

Nine long months of nurturing. It is a common knowledge that we came from the womb of our mothers. They are the ones who nurtured us for nine long months. Although heavy to carry, but with love as the foundation indeed the bond created is unbreakable. No wonder mothers always scold their children whenever they commit mistakes. They only want the best; no more, no less. For sure, you will understand this by the time you'll be parents. Therefore, be grateful to your mothers because they have given you unselfish love. Now, it is your time to express your gratitude by showing them how much you love them. Simple gestures will do like giving them a skin pampering treat with the use of natural oil skin benefits. They are not actually asking for anything in return, but it is your duty to make them feel fulfilled and proud. Shower them not only with material things, but preferably with more love and care.

One and only mother

Sharing time without hesitation. We only have one mother on earth. This is what I realized when my mother-in-law died last year. I saw the pain my husband has gone through. He is the youngest in the family; hence, he was showered with all the love by his mother. We live in the city, which is almost a hundred kilometers away from their province; hence, they seldom meet and talk. He reminisced all the happy moments together especially when he was still a child. Due to financial constraints, he really regretted not having spent more time with her even when she was already sick. Thus, we should always bond with our mother by allocating regular time. Be present on their special day and give them the best gift for her to enjoy. Give her a makeover by indulging in organic oil for acne treatment or hair spa. Although these are just simple gestures of appreciation; yet these already mean a lot to them. Therefore, share your time without hesitation. We only have one mother and nobody can ever replace her.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Most rewarding profession

Memories for a lifetime. Being a mother is not an easy task. For many, the works of housewives are simple. No need to worry about so many things like what to wear for work, deadlines to beat, and emergency meetings even on weekends. The sad part of this is that they have no right to complain. But let me tell you this; this is the kind of profession where there is no rest day and salary to enjoy. Yet, this is the most rewarding because the satisfaction you get is beyond compare. Thus, never take your mothers for granted. Instead, let them know how thankful you are by giving them appreciation at all times. Regardless of age, make them happy on their special day by giving them a body treat and skin pampering. You may want to check out for essential oils that would certainly put a glow on their aging skin. Time is so short; hence, enjoy every single moment with them. For sure, they will treasure these memories forever.

Culprits of aging

Just a matter of choice. With all the things that have happened lately, people look more stressed and anxious. Whether work-related or not, our face look older than our actual age. This is so because we think of so many things that tend to keep us worried. Our busy schedule is another culprit that contributes to the problem. We don't have spare time to keep ourselves fit and healthy. We seldom get enough sleep due to paper work deadlines. Furthermore, we opt to skip meals just to catch up time. Is this just a matter of time management or can you say this is due to the fast pace environment? Whatever it is, the common denominator here is looking old and ugly because of self neglect. Replenish lost fluids and take supplements. Who doesn't want to try Klonia to get a new you? Stay good-looking despite being occupied. This is a matter of choice, therefore, don't be the last to follow. Start now.

Sharing with the least fortunate

Making a big difference. Have you not noticed what has happened to the world lately? If you look at the television, one can say that calamities are everywhere. Floods cause millions of damages to properties, a lot of least fortunate population is starving and diseases strike like an epidemic. Nations fight each other over a piece of land. As a concerned citizen, I would like to think that there are still a lot of people who are willing to lend a helping hand. Why not share your blessings to the needy in your own little ways? As for my park, since I am inclined on doing online business, it is a good idea to participate in a fundraising software event. I have read several of these stuffs on the net, but honestly I haven't tried it yet. I am not certain if this could be that fun, but for sure a lot of people will be benefited from this. I just wish that this simple gesture of mine can make a big difference.